Does Crash work with any other plugins?

The goal of Crash is to be natively compatible with Rhino. But it only currently pushes geometry. It does not include any data. So [CustomObjects](<>), [UserStrings](<>) and [UserDictionaries](<>) are not yet sent by Crash.

Crash 1.4.0-wip does include an API that can be used to make 3rd party plugins multi-user

Crash.Plugins 1.4.0-beta

Can I use Crash for my project?

Crash is a work in progress, so be wary. Always ensure your work is saved and backed-up before testing non-production ready software (such as Crash!) with your project files.

Why is it called Crash?

It is one of the terms used to refer to a group of Rhinos.

What is a Group of Rhinos Called? Hint: It's Not a Herd